Anushay (Shae) Gill is a Pakistani show business phenomenon. Once she shared her talent on Instagram and in a few years she became a world-class star. This affected her income. Shae’s life has changed. Previously, she was content with a few hundred dollars a month. Now the situation is completely different. You have a unique chance to find out the secret of her net worth.
Shae Gill Source of Income
Anushay is a modest girl who has achieved success with her hard work and talent. Instagram has played an important role in her career. She is not a blogger, but she always tried to make interesting quality content. Gradually, the account of her subscribers began to go to hundreds of thousands. When the producers drew attention to her musical posts, they could not help but give a chance to the people’s favorite (her work is fanned not only in Pakistan, but also in the UAE, India, and the USA). Thanks to the successful debut, Shae Gill’s blog on Instagram got a chance for good monetization. When a musician has almost half a million subscribers, advertisers are willing to pay up to $1,000 for a promotional post or story.

Shae doesn’t overuse social media ads, but they make up about 30% of her income. She also receives the same amount from a sponsorship contract with Coca Cola, who pay their ambassadors quite generously.
How much does Shae Gill get paid for concerts and songs? Enough. Her song Pasoori has almost 400 million views on YouTube. Festivals and concert venues are willing to pay generously for the appearance of a musician with such a large audience.
Shae Gill Actual Net Worth
The girl grew up in a simple family. From her old Instagram posts, it is clear that she never had great wealth, but she did not live in poverty either. Anushay’s first earnings came in 2021 when she was 22 years old. Then she began to feel the first signs of popularity and receive small commercial offers. It is very doubtful that this was enough to save for grandiose purchases.
Shae Gill’s biggest paycheck came from Coke Studio Pakistan for the hit Pasoori. The details of the contract between the girl and the production center are confidential, but the most likely amount is $100,000.

This allowed the talented Pakistani woman to start earning from other sources, which you could read about in the last chapter. The total accumulated capital and net worth reach $200,000.
After the debut success, the girl has not yet managed to create a hit that would surpass Pasoori. Her earnings cannot be considered huge. The annual income does not exactly exceed 100 thousand dollars, therefore, it will be possible to significantly increase net worth only if it releases another hit for hundreds of millions of views.
The wealth of the girl and her family depends on further sponsorship contracts. How long her contract with Coca Cola is unknown. Shae’s fans believe that she will not become another one-hit star and support her. Interest in her person does not subside. Recently there has been a lot of controversy about her religion. Such a hype can become the basis for a further career as a blogger on Instagram and Tik Tok. If she gets into blogging, it could help double her net worth in just a year.
Monthly Income | $5-6k |
Annual Income | $60-70 |
Actual Net Worth | $200k |
One Year Net Worth Forecast | $250k |