Desi Banks Financial Secrets

Desi Banks Net Worth

Desi Terrell Banks, a young Afro-American, was born on May 9, 1993 in the area of Atlanta, Georgia. The Net Worth of social media influencer, comedian and actor Desi Banks is a point of interest for many who followed him over the years.

Desi Banks rose from being a talented young youtuber to being a renown influencer, comedian and finally actor. You can watch him play in the following movies:

  • ‘La Vie Magnifique De Charlie’ By Bobby Huntley (2017);
  • ‘Love By Chance’ by Samad Davis (2017);
  • ‘Little’ by Tina Gordon (2019);
  • ‘Bloom’ by William A. Derrick III (2018).

How Much Money Does Desi Make?

Desi Banks Net Worth

Desi Banks is one of those people who rose to stardom like a rocket, simply by being talented, doing what they enjoy and sharing it with other people on social media. Desi started first in 2010 with Twitter and moved from there to Instagram, Facebook and finally Youtube.

His Youtube presence, starting from December 15, 2014, is what eventually launched him. Simply by producing and posting attractive & entertaining comedy shows. With more and more people watching and enjoying them, his popularity grew steadily. His most successful videos stocked up to a staggering 6 000 000 views, each, already. 

Banks starred together with another youtube celeb: B. Simone, in the successful youtube talk show channel “The B.Simone and Desi Show” The channel garnered 248 000 subscriptions and their shows had nearly a million views each. After this show ended they kept on making videos together.

Desi Banks Net Worth

Desi Banks Net Worth

An influencer’s most valuable asset is his social media. The direct link between subscriber activity and Desi capital is obvious. The statistics you see below will help you estimate net worth more accurately.

Social PlatformTotal ViewsLikesSubs  / Followers / Friends
Facebookn.a.1,576,708 2 800 000
Instagram ??7,851,811
Twittern.a.n.a.689 500
Vine  (discontinued)n.a.n.a.430 000
TikTok??1 600 000
YouTube 603,726,871?2 500 000
Youtube – B. Simone and Desi Show10,186,633?248 000
Social Media Reach Desi Banks

Besides his work in the social media branch, Banks started touring as a live stand-up comedian and made money with ticketing. He also made extra money by joining social campaigns of brands like Google Pixel and TIkTok.

It is said that Desi Banks’ Net Worth is 5 million USD and that it took him just over 4 years to achieve this wealth.

Additional Earnings Information

Desi Banks rose from being a talented young youtuber to being a renown influencer, comedian and finally actor. You can watch him play in the following movies:

  • ‘La Vie Magnifique De Charlie’ By Bobby Huntley (2017);
  • ‘Love By Chance’ by Samad Davis (2017);
  • ‘Little’ by Tina Gordon (2019);
  • ‘Bloom’ by William A. Derrick III (2018).

Desi Banks got ‘canceled’, at least temporarily, by a lot of his fans, after he posted a sneer directed at the Black Lives Matter Movement. concerning their protest over the death of Gearge Floyd. He wrote on his wall:

If you want change in America, register to vote.” 

After writing the post he received a heavy backlash from fans telling him that he should know better: that the issue of racism still persists regardless of the fact that human rights defenders have been participating in politics since decenia.

Desi capitulated, removed the post, apologized and explained he did not disapprove of the protests per say but of the way some people protested the death of George Floyd. He said he felt that violence and destroying businesses would not help the cause of black Americans, rather to the contrary.

Banks also posted a video on his social media outlets to explain that he thought there’s more that can be done than solely expressing anger. In the video, he asked his fans, since we have the world’s attention now, what is it that we can do together to help the community in constructive ways?

Monthly Income$100k
Annual Income$1m
Actual Net Worth$4-5m
One Year Net Worth Forecast$5-6m
Desi Banks Net Worth

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